RMCH Sections Around the World

RMCH International is supplemented by a range of country sections across the world. These sections serve as networks for the organization of Rotarian service and are a resource to clubs and districts in the area of focus Maternal and Child Health in their region. With about 9000 members, RMCH Germany is both the oldest and largest country section; since their founding in 1995, they have initiated projects of over USD 10 million in value. The United States, Austria, Switzerland and Nigeria also all have strong local RMCH sections that are involved both in their own MCH projects and in collective support for projects such as the Nationwide Family Planning Campaign in Nigeria.

Two new sections emerged recently: RMCH Norway and RMCH Asia. RMCH Norway was founded at the end of 2018 by a group of Rotarians from District 2250 that had been long passionate about service in maternal and child health. They have since supported a successful project to enhance the quality of midwifery in Malawi and Zambia. RMCH Asia was officially inaugurated in March 2019 as a collaboration between motivated Rotarians in Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. They immediately supported the implementation of a project to reduce maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity through quality assurance measures in 15 hospitals in Southwest Nigeria.  

RMCH Section Contact

RMCH Germany:
Contact: Franz Josef Radermacher: radermacher[at]fawn-ulm.de
RMCH Nigeria:
Contact: Emmanuel Lufadeju: dolaluf[at]gmail.com

Contact: John Townsend: JTownsend[at]popcouncil.org

RMCH Switzerland – Liechtenstein:
Contact: Judith Lauber: rotary[at]judith-lauber.ch

RMCH Austria:
Contact: Gerhard Hellmann: hellmann.s.g[at]aon.at

RMCH Ghana:
Contact: Rudolph Kantum Adageba: rkadageba3147[at]gmail.com

RMCH Australia:
Contact: Andy Rajapakse: andyrajapakse[at]gmail.com

RMCH Central America:
Contact: Miriam Rittmeyer: mrittmeyer[at]phalarope.org