TENA Technical Expert & Networking Alliance
Who ? - Healthcare & Public Health Professionals (doctors, nurses, midwives), Rotarians, Rotaractors & Activists with expertise in Maternal and Child Health (MCH)
Why? You are not alone. Join others and save the Lives of Mothers and Babies - Encounter life-changing experience in your participation, as a member of a team. The team has a pool of expertise of its members. Members’ expert advice and guidance are not the most advanced, but are the most responsible, based on the needs, priorities and ability of the country concerned.
What can you give us ? You can donate your time, expertise and passion – contribute through enhancing the groups’ activities/output and sphere of influence, develop the necessary tools (Tool Kit), empower/mentor others and contribute to regular webinars, social media etc.
Be a part of the action to fight a great social injustice – reduce preventable maternal and new-born deaths in Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia with high burden of childbirth related mortalities and morbidities.
STRATEGIC Alliance: GLOBAL THINKING RMCH Action Group, IRFHP, WHO, FIGO, Global Experts, Activists and Advocates Unite in Solidarity.
TACTICAL Alliance: EXPERTISE AND ASSETS Health Professionals, WHO Tool Kit (Good practice guide), Digital Assets, Scholars, Academies
OPERATIONAL Alliance: COUNTRY ACTIONS adapted to bridge gaps in care, Country Level Partnership, Rotary, WHO, Government (QoC network), NGOs ( JHPIEGO,UNICEF...)
What can we give to you? You will ...
1. increase your friendship circle
2. join other professionals and likeminded people to carry out large impact projects in countries of choice, to save mothers and babies dying at childbirth.
3. enlarge your circle of friends through membership of RMCH Rotary Action Group and Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals (IRFHP) – you do not have to join a Rotary Club for that purpose
4. seize professional development opportunities through being a Rotary Volunteer, Alumnus, Mentor or Mentee.